Training for the Next Thing
I signed up for a what?!
I’m allergic to running. My face gets all red, I sweat profusely, and it gets hard to breath. So why am I training for a marathon when all I’ve done to date are obstacle races and 5Ks?
Oh right, I’m an idiot.
I might’ve made an agreement that if my sister (who’s a runner) did one of my races, I’d do one of hers.
I was drunk at the time, in my defense. And I thought she’d go “easy” on me and we’d only do a half-marathon.
I was wrong.
I’m not sure if her decision to get us signed up for a full marathon in February was influenced by how sore she was after Spartan, all I know is I have less than six months to turn my not in the greatest shape body into a runner.
It’s okay, all I have to do is cross the finish line in under six hours. I can keep a solid pace to do that, right? My sister said she’d be by my side to keep me going.
And then she said the most hilarious thing.
“We could qualify for Boston with this race.” And sent me a training plan that doesn’t actually look that hard. Slow ramp up in speed and distance until race day.
I wasn’t planning to go compete. I just wanted to complete this race. But, Boston’s one of her goals. So now I’m stuck trying to decide if I want to push myself to help her attain one of her goals or just tell her to meet me at the finish line.
I guess I’ll have to wait and see how well my training goes.