The Extra Push
Using my tribe to get me over the slump.
Tonight’s going to suck. Or rock. Or both.
My obstacle training coach is starting conditioning tonight for all of us who wish to stay after class. Obviously, I’m staying after. And I know it will be outside of my comfort zone. Way outside.
Luckily for me, I have an amazing tribe of people who love and care for me who will be cheering me on and joining me.
I’m constantly amazed at the incredible tribe of friends I’ve collected over the years. We cheer for each other’s successes and feel each other’s failures. We even share the secrets to our successes to help lift each other up.
Having them by my side at the gym, dojo, and obstacle course pushes me to do better and try harder than I do when I’m by myself. Left to my own devices, I put in the bare minimum and call it a day.
I’m going to training tonight already sore because I met up with one of my buddies on Sunday (and Friday) at the gym and he kicked my butt. I’m expecting my trainer to do the same tonight.
But I have an amazing tribe around me encouraging me to dig a little deeper and work a little harder, so I’m not worried about putting in the effort.
Weekly Goals
Write 7K words: Success.
Read one book: Success. I finished Master of Sin by Sienna Snow.
Sew ten dice bags: Success.
Go to class: Success.
Go to the gym twice: Success.