The Creativity Project: January Wrap Up and February Goals
How is my year going?
While I ended January feeling like I didn’t do so well, looking at my goals tells a very different story. While my daily habits didn’t actually happen as flawlessly as I’d hoped, of my 9 goals for January, I completed 7 of them. The two that I failed on were completing my daily habits at least 75% of the time and hand writing 62 pages. I was nine pages short of my goal.
My goals for February are mostly unchanged, the only exceptions are the number of pages written, words typed, and the addition of formatting my novel. Every goal pushes me closer to my life goal of publishing my novels and being a full time writer/ creative or completing a project I’ve set out to do.
February Goals
- Write 4 blog or medium posts
- Post 4 YouTube videos
- Read 4 books
- Write 58 pages
- Type 29,000 words
- Fill 1 notebook
- Pay bills
- Daily habits at 75%
- Finish 1 skein of yarn
- Format Game On
None of my goals are so huge that I can’t possibly finish them in one month, and, as always, they are broken down into weekly and daily tasks to make them more manageable.
What goals did you set for yourself this month?