Getting Back on the Horse
Starting over after a break.
I always forget how easy it is to get back out of shape. After two weeks of sleeping my days away (stupid bronchitis) and doing minimal workouts for way too many gym sessions than I care to say, I hit the gym.
Oh god, I’m sore. I didn’t even do a full out session because my muscles pushed back and I didn’t want to risk getting injured again so soon after my last injury.
And then I did martial arts. My teacher’s back in the country and class started up again. I’m rusty. My movement’s rusty.
Which means I’m sore on top of being sore already. (Not necessarily a bad feeling).
So what did I do today? I went to the gym for a minimal workout because tonight is obstacle training. Tomorrow I will be sore on top of sore with a side of sore.
While I’m surprised at how quickly I got out of shape, I did manage to knock a minute off of my run time at my 5K this weekend. Not sure how that happened because I gained weight over the holidays, but I’ll take the win.
Now I’m back in the gym, taking class, and training for my next run. I’m hoping my major roadblocks are behind me and I can kick it into high gear. I have goals to smash.
Weekly Goals
Write 7K words: Failure. I did the thing where I prioritized sewing over writing.
Read one book: Failure. I tore through books like they were nothing while I was sick and just didn’t bother reading much.
Sew 10 dice bags: Success.
Go to martial arts class: Technically a success even though all we did was clean the dojo.
Go to the gym twice: Success, but only because I did minimal workouts.